Glamping, or ‘glamorous camping’, is thé newest trend within the camping world. Glamping stands for the comfort of a hotel combined with the natural environmentand freedom of camping. During your holiday you will stay in a fully furnished luxuryglamping tent or an other unique glamping accommodation and camp in style, equipped with all comforts.
You will write an advice rapport for glampingguide.co.uk by analyzing the website and Google Analytics.
Glamping.nl (Blogs4Travel)
Analyse van:
Google Analytics
Stap 1 – Website analyse
Analyseer de website Glamping.nl en adviseer het bedrijf over hoe zij hun website kunnen verbeteren. Dit advies is gebaseerd op de volgende 'richtlijnen' en onderzoek alles wat je daarvoor nodig hebt:
- Wat denk je dat hun doelgroep is (met uitgebreide details) en hoe kan je deze doelgroep het beste benaderen volgens bestaand onderzoek? Kijk hiervoor ook naar zaken als kleurgebruik, navigatie structuur, teksten en meer.
- Kijkend naar de resultaten van dat onderzoek, hoe doet Glamping.nl het op dit moment op basis van die 'richtlijnen'?
- Geef Glamping.nl specifieke tips over wat ze kunnen verbeteren.
Stap 2 – Google Analytics
Log in op analytics.google.com met de inloggegevens van E-lab (zie onderaan deze opdracht) en bekijk de gegevens van Glamping.nl. Kijk rond in het programma en maak jezelf bekend met de gegevens. Kijk ook naar instructies via Google of Youtube. Bekijk de volgende statistieken en analyseer deze:
GEO location
Repeat behavior and frequency
Popularity of browsers
Device category (mobile versus desktop versus tablets)
Most popular device (Samsung, apple, asus, dell)
Channels (organic, direct, email, paid, etc)
User flow
Stap 3 – Aanbevelingen en conclusies
Nu je veel hebt gevonden over Glamping.nl probeer je een duidelijk advies te geven aan het bedrijf. Formuleer jouw conclusies, adviezen en aanbevelingen.
1. Hoe kan Glamping.nl hun website verbeteren?
2. Hoe kan Glamping.nl hun website optimaliseren op basis van jouw Google Analytics onderzoek?
Onthoudt dat jouw analyse ook opgestuurd zal worden aan de eigenaar van Glamping.nl. Zorg ervoor dat jouw verslag en advies professioneel is.
Succes met de opdracht!
Passwords Google Analytics
Gebruikersnaam: Analytics.elab@gmail.com
Wachtwoord: analyticselab2017!
Social media scan
The assignment
Glampingguide.co.uk (Blogs4Travel)
The assignment is commissioned by Richard Otten, owner of glamingguide.co.uk. He asks for an advice report about his website. Therefore you will do an analysis on:
1. Website (front-end)
2. Google Analytics (back-end)
Step 1 – Website analysis - front-end
Learn about the company first by watching the video that we included at the bottom of this page.
Analyze the website (glampingguide.co.uk) as a visitor/consumer first and come up with an advice on what they could do to improve the website. Create this advice based on the following ‘guidelines’ and conduct the research that is needed:
· What do you think is their target group (and give elaborate details) and how should this target group be approached according to existing research that you can find by using Google to find articles and insights about this? Conduct your desk research on e.g. colors, navigation structure, text, and more.
· Looking at that research, how is glampingguide.co.uk performing at the moment?
· Give them specific tips and tricks on what to improve.
Step 2 – Google Analytics - back-end
In this second step, you need to login to analytics.google.com with the credentials provided at the end (SEE BELOW-scroll down) of this assignment. Try to orientate and look around in analytics by checking the private dashboard. Scroll and check several buttons and get used to the program. Look at Google, YouTube or other channels for tutorials and explanation on how to use the program. Then, you will give an advice based on your analysis of Google Analytics for glampingguide.co.uk. Write down your findings on the following categories:
1. GEO location
2. Repeat behavior and frequency
3. Engagement
4. Popularity of browsers
5. Device category (mobile versus desktop versus tablets)
6. Most popular device (Samsung, apple, asus, dell)
7. Channels (organic, direct, email, paid, etc)
8. User flow
Step 3 – Overall recommendations and conclusion
Now that you know a lot about Glampingguide.co.uk (Blogs4Travel), try to give us your overall conclusions, advice and recommendations.
1. What should Glampingguide.co.uk (Blogs4Travel) do to improve their website?
2. What should Glampingguide.co.uk (Blogs4Travel) do to optimize their website? (based on the ‘technical’ analysis)
Keep in mind that your analysis will be sent to the commissioner so be professional. Good luck with the assignment!
Login details Google Analytics
Username: Analytics.elab@gmail.com
Password: analyticselab2017!
NOTE: The document should contain a APA reference list, table of contents and a cover page, including name, student number and class number.